
Math Module

Math module in python is a module used to do all kinds of mathematical operations.

import math

Ceil Function

Return the smallest integer greater than or equal to the number.


# Output is 4

Exponent Fuction

Returns e raised to the power of specified argument.


# Output is 20.085536923187668

Fabs Function

This function is used to find the absolute (mod value) of any number.


# Output is 2.303

Floor Function

This function is used to get the largest integer greater than or equal to a given number.


# Output is 4

Log Function

This function is used to find logarithmic value of any number to any base.

math.log(12,11) #math.log(number,base)

# Output is 1.0362865626271018

Sine Function

This function is used to find the sine of any number.

math.sin(math.pi) # Argument always in radians

# Output is 1.2246467991473532e-16

Cos Function

This function is used to find the cosine value of any number.


# Output is -1.0

Degrees Function

This function is used to convert angle which is in degrees to radians.


# Output is 180

Radians Function

This function is used to convert angles in radians to angles in radians.


# Output is 3.141592653589793

Fmod Function

This function returns the modulus (remainder) resulting from division of x from y

Diffrence between x%y and math.fmod(x,y)

It is important to note here that x%y return mod value with lesser precision which has the sign of y while math.fmod(x,y) has more precision and returns answer according to the sign of x.


# Output is -1


#Output is 1

Factorial Function

This function is used to find the factorial of specified integer.


# Output is 120

GCD Function

This function is used to find the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers.


# Output is 5